Urban Legend

Bree and friend of the show Frederick Blichert cap off the season with a playful romp through a home viewing favourite (“favourite” might be generous for Bree), Urban Legend.


What was the experience like watching this movie as a high schooler versus middle schooler versus young adult? Why did people turn on this movie and the screenplay so much – and was it justified? Is there a possible queer reading of this movie? How does the fall of Roe V. Wade affect the viewing of this movie in 2023?

Season 2 Finale: Flop Culture

Bree gets together with Mynt, Liz and Frederick to bid farewell to Peak Show Season 2 and summer 2022 with a look at the best things that have been released so far this year.


Entertainment journalist and author Frederick Blichert joins Bree for the long-anticipated Scream takedown. Fred discusses how the “survivor” aspect of Scream set it apart from its contemporaries while Bree ponders on how Scream fits into the tiresome “elevated horror” label.